Beyond Singletrack – Boneshaker and The Ride magazines
Over the past few years the cycle industry seems to have hit a bit of a purple patch, with technology, tax incentives, growing eco hysteria and good old-fashioned hobbyists contributing to a rising interest in the cycle lifestyle.
Along with a huge growth in internet sites to sate the appetite for all things bike (like this one), the number of traditional print-based magazines seems to be increasing as well. How many the market will support is anyone’s guess, particularly as some are quite limited in the way they deal with their chosen subject. Some of them however, are really rather good.
I recently came across a couple of titles that Jon Hicks mentioned on The Hickensian blog. Most of you won’t have heard of Jon Hicks, but many will have seen his work as he designed the well-known Firefox logo. He’s as English as it’s possible to get, favouring tweed and cheese for a start, but he’s also got an eye for beautiful design, as you’d hope for from someone in his profession.
The two title’s he mentioned were new to me, even though a bit of digging revealed at least one was available through Head for the Hills in Dorking.
First up is Boneshaker Magazine, ‘a collection of articles, stories and anecdotes about people and projects doing great things with bicycles’. Based in the UK, the advert-free magazine is published quarterly and is beautifully illustrated with photos and original illustrations which look well worth a fiver of anyone’s money.
Next is The Ride magazine, another gloriously designed and illustrated journal that manages to make you feel proud and inspired to be caught up in the whole cycle scene. As they say themselves ‘We know that most people who share our obsession with bikes don’t want to be pigeon-holed as roadies, freeriders, track racers, BMXers, XC riders or even commuters. They are just riders.’
When you think about these publications, and events like Four4th’s I Love My Bike it makes you realise that our innocuous pastime has a cultural impact far beyond tramping round the Surrey Hills. There’s no point being highbrow about all this but I’m grateful that the Muddymoles can at least hang onto the coat-tails of a far larger trend.
It’s unfair to mention these two magazines without at least a nod to Singletrack magazine, still the best read for MTB inspiration and lifestyle even if it wears it’s Northern roots on it’s sleeve. That’s OK with us but it means I can’t say it’s always my cup of tea.
With Boneshaker and The Ride magazines it gives another way to look at our riding life. Long may it continue.
There are 7 comments on ‘Beyond Singletrack – Boneshaker and The Ride magazines’
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Mark says:
Hi Matt,
Great piece! I’m an avid Ride reader but hadn’t heard of bone-shaker (have just subscribed though!), so thanks for that.
Was wondering where you got the image of the magazine the bike-inspired furniture??
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Posted on January 25, 2011 at 8:51 am
Matt says:
Hi Mark, if you go to the Boneshaker site there’s a link to a press pack at the bottom of their FAQs page –
Glad you like the write up
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Posted on January 25, 2011 at 9:32 am
Tony says:
So admission time – I’m a bit of a magazine junkie. I’d like to read these but a – 1. not sure where to get hold of them – 2. given their cost it would probably best to buy them and pass them around.
Ride does definitely appeal as a roadie read.
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Posted on January 26, 2011 at 11:24 am
Matt says:
Tony you can get The Ride from Head for the Hills in Dorking – link is in the article. The Boneshaker appears to be basically an online purchase from Fingerprint Distribution as there’s nowhere near that stocks it.
Unless we can persuade H4tH to stock that too?
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Posted on January 26, 2011 at 12:09 pm
Matt says:
If anyone is working up in town, issue 5 of The Ride is being launched at ‘Look Mum No Hands’ in Old Street on 27 Jan.
Details on their blog.
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Posted on January 27, 2011 at 1:54 pm
John Coe says:
Thanks for the kind words and blogging about the mag guys. Off the back of your comments, I have actually just emailed Head For The Hills to see if they would like to stock the mag in the future, so watch this space….
Keep on reading (and riding!)
John Coe
Creative Director
Boneshaker Magazine
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Posted on February 4, 2011 at 2:48 pm
timbo says:
can I subscribe to this on kindle ?
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Posted on April 5, 2011 at 11:12 am