Muddymoles mountain biking in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley


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A group of muddy mountain bikers gather on a muddy track under an old single arch stone footbridge

Cyclists! Happy New Year!

Before I forget, Happy New Year mud pluggers! Read the rest…

Muc-off Big Bore tubeless valve

Tyre valves – its a war out there…

It seems there has been much effort over the past year or so to reinvent the wheel. Well, tubeless valves at least. Read the rest…

Bird Aether 9 with tan wall Hutchinson tyres

Not as planned

This weekend saw me pick up a head cold. So that was Sunday’s ride out of the window for me. Time to winterise the bike! Read the rest…

Halo Vapour 35 wheels in silver

Edging toward a silver component bike build

I feel the time is right for bike builders to be looking at silver or chrome components again Read the rest…

Ram Air Fairing Pioneering Bike Backpack

RAF1 Pioneering Bike Backpack – are cyclists our own worst enemy?

No. This bizarre cross between a back pack and a kite sail is brought to you by the mind of a professional paraglider Read the rest…

Monochromatic led bike lights on the Radavist

Monochromatic bike lights and green LEDs

An article in The Radavist got me thinking about bike lights with green LEDs Read the rest…

Cannondale Topstone with 42c tyres on Hunt rims

Forever fettling my bikes

Where does maintenance end and fettling begin? Read the rest…

Boxed Specialized S-Works Pathfinder tyres

New tyre day – Specialized S-Works Pathfinder 42

New Specialized Pathfinder tyres for my Cannondale Topstone. This time in bigger, lighter and S-Works flavour Read the rest…

The Mickleham Bypass near Burford Bridge in the 1930s

The history of the A24 Mickleham Bypass in Surrey

Today it’s time for a history lesson. Let me take you back all the way to 1937 and a newly built Mickleham Bypass Read the rest…

Lloyd back on his feet and riding again

What to expect from a broken pelvis: Part 5 – long-term outcomes

With a positive attitude and hard work, it is possible to be active after a broken pelvis. Read the rest…

Lloyd celebrating his 50th birthday

What to expect from a broken pelvis: Part 4 – rehabilitation

10 years ago Lloyd broke his pelvis. After getting out of hospital, Lloyd’s recovery begins. Read the rest…

An x-ray of a broken pelvis held together with titanium plates and screws

What to expect from a broken pelvis: Part 3 – the operation

Like Humpty Dumpty, an operation put Lloyd back together again after breaking his pelvis. Read the rest…

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