Muddymoles mountain biking in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley


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Bird Aether 9 rocker linkage disassembly

Frame bearing replacement for Bird Aether 9

Frame bearings wear out and need replacement. Here’s how I replaced mine on the Bird Aether 9 with some help from Gordon and his garage! Read the rest…

Bontrager Charger track pump

Bontrager Charger track pump annual service

It recently occurred to Gordon that while his trusty track pump is regularly used, it’s rarely serviced Read the rest…

Nordic Walking

Nordic walking

After being sidelined by a damaged shoulder from a bike crash, Lloyd finds Nordic Walking a useful way to maintain some fitness. Read the rest…

Contour HD video recorder

A guide to the buying the best helmet cameras

Buying an video camera like the Go-Pro Hero or Contour HD helmet cams? Here’s a guide to what you might need Read the rest…

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Expert bike fitting from Sound Coaching

Getting your bike to fit correctly is vital, particularly for road riders. Sound Coaching offer expert custom bike fit from your own home. Read the rest…

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I’m in FineFettle

Dave finds a local practice, FineFettle, which provides a wide range of healthcare help to keep you in shape Read the rest…

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Beware Well Meaning Advice

How do you tackle steep roll-ins on your mountain bike? The answer, according to Colin, is not quite what everyone tells you.

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10 Hope Pro2 and XC hub service tips

Servicing Hope Pro2 and XC hubs is a simple exercise but one that can be very difficult and time-consuming if they’re left to rot. Keep everything clean and greased and you’ll have years of service from them.

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Riding fatigue can come from many sources but the critical thing to do is stop doing whatever is causing it in the first place!

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12 tips for your first MTB race

What can you expect from your first mountain bike (MTB) ‘race’. Or event depending on your perspective!

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Hope Pro 2 Hub Rebuild

Colin gets dirty again

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Cycling fitness: Osteoporosis

Road riders risk osteoporosis from long hours in the saddle but maybe mountain bikers could benefit from mixing things up too?

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