Muddymoles mountain biking in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley

Ragley Blue Pig in the wild

Posted by Matt | April 22, 2009 | 5 comments so far

Ragley Blue Pig starts real world testing
Well, I couldn’t resist an open invitation to me and others to blog this. Although that might just have been Ed talking to Brant. Whatever, with the Ragley frames almost as talked about on this site as Inbreds and Fives, it seems we’re becoming something of a fanboy site for anything made near Halifax. Strange really because Tony’s write up about his 2009 Trek EX 8 review is actually the most read post over the past month or so!

So there you have it, a rather sharp looking frame in mellow orange (or yellow if you will) which I have to say looks very tasty indeed. In all the fuss over colour it’s easy to overlook this bike’s promised capabilities, in fact so far I don’t even think I’ve seen anyone ask what forks it will take!

From what I can make out without actually confirming this with Ragley bikes the frame seems designed for anything around the 130-150mm mark – i.e. most modern long travel forks. The headtube reinforcement (which appears to be very nicely done with a subtle tapering from back to front) clearly suggests the intention for this bike to live with a bit of aggro, as does the one-piece seatstay bridge. Built tough as they say.

There’s still the unusual chainstay arrangement on the driveside which becomes less odd the more you see it and those lovely elongated dropouts. Plus don’t forget the funky cable guides which makes this frame more than just a breathed on On-one.

I do like that colour though. From the moment I got my Five in Sub Zero Blue I’ve completely changed my attitude toward bike colours. It used to be black and grey was the thing to have with a splash of colour on the forks but since DaveP trailblazed with his lime green Five I’m of the opinion that nice solid non-metallic colours are the way to go. They look eye catching and no-nonsense at the same time. Let’s hope it makes production.

Filed under 2009, News in April 2009


About the author

Matt is one of the founding Molefathers of the Muddymoles, and is the designer and main administrator of the website.

Having ridden a 2007 Orange Five for many years then a 2016 YT Industries Jeffsy 29er, he now rocks a Bird Aether 9 and a Pace RC-627.

An early On-One Inbred still lurks in the back of the stable as a reminder of how things have moved on. You can even find him on road bikes - currently a 2019 Cannondale Topstone 105 SE, a much-used 2011 Specialized Secteur and very niche belt drive Trek District 1.

If you've ever wondered how we got into mountain biking and how the MuddyMoles started, well wonder no more.

There are 5 comments on ‘Ragley Blue Pig in the wild’

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  1. Rupert says:

    Hey chaps, just taken delivery of a Blue Pig frame (toyed with the idea of a Prince Albert!) and I’m planning to run it 1×9. Just wondered if any of you moles run a 1×9 set up and could recommend a chain guide option? I’ve read about the MRP 1.X but nobody seems to have it in stock!

  2. Dave says:

    Hi Rupert,

    As far as I know no one uses a specific chain guide. Jem might have fitted a front mech and fixed it in position as I know he was finding his chain came off without it running 1×9. If you do find a solution let me know though as I’m considering 1×9 on one of my bikes. Cheers!

  3. Colin says:

    Rupert, I’m thinking of a switch to 1×9 and have been recommended running a bash ring on the outside and an N-Gear Jump Stop guide on the inside.

    See here

    Looks good, great value and apparently very effective.

    With a nice Straightline Racing serrated bash ring, which are the muts preverbials, a good looking set up.

  4. Rupert says:

    Afternoon Moles, just thought I’d let you know the Blue Pig got a thorough baptism at Afan last weekend and was superb! In case you’re still interested in switching to 1×9 Colin, I went with an MRP 1.X chain device in the end which was the cheap and light option. Quite liked the look of the Straitline Silent Guide at the pricier end but no major problems with the MRP to report so far.

  5. Dave says:

    Hi Rupert,

    That’s good news as I’ve just ordered an MRP 1.x from Charlie The Bike Monger who seemed to be the only dealer with stock. Looking forward to fitting it on the Scandal.

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