Muddymoles mountain biking in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley


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Matt on his backside, no bike to be seen

A year by bike – 2021 in pictures

I’m still in looking-over-my-shoulder mode. What better way than to illustrate 2021 in pictures? Read the rest…

Strava 2021 round up graphic

2021 – Looking back to look forward

Well here we are again. A new year, which means my annual review of my cycling year in numbers. Read the rest…

Novatech D162SB-SL-B12 hub damage

Death of a wheelset – Novatech freehub woes

The freehub bearings on my Novatech D162SB-SL-B12 hub are finally dead with the freehub and SRAM cassette stuck together Read the rest…

Classified Smart Axle

Is the future Classified? And when will we know?

An interesting bit of news came out this week that points to a possible future for MTBers – hub gears (again!) Read the rest…

Mark in the snow at Wisley

Riding a January Lockdown

A pictoral round up of my riding through the winter lockdown; trying to accentuate the positives! Read the rest…

Bird Aether 9 in Tungsten Grey

I might have bought a new bike… well a frame at least…

I’ve decided now is the time to sell the Jeffsy and buy… a Bird Aether 9! Read the rest…

2020 A Year in Sport

2020 in miles if not smiles

Every year I like to note my cycling activity on this site as an aide memoire and virus or no virus, this year is no different. Here’s a summary of 2020 from a riding perspective. Read the rest…

Long shadows at Frensham

A Better New Year! (and 2020 in pictures)

Each year we wish people a Happy New Year. While that sentiment holds true, it doesn’t feel quite right as we put 2020 behind us. Read the rest…

Worn out Campagnolo chain

Getting Turbo Trainer ready – tired Campagnolo chain and chainring!

After 6000 miles, I probably need to replace the chain! And chainring, And cassette. And… Read the rest…

Lizard Skins fluoro yellow bar tape

Riser bars and fluoro? It’s the 90s all over again!

People say the bike industry’s fixation with gravel bikes is like inventing the MTB all over again – they may have a point… Read the rest…

YT Jeffsy at Tanners Hatch

Cycling in a time of Coronavirus – count yourself lucky

These are tough times for people. If you are able to get out on the bike, count yourself very lucky indeed. Read the rest…

Riding the PNW Coast handlebar

Two interesting gravel handlebars

Two potential handlebars for my gravel bike have recently caught my eye – the Spank Wing 12 and the PNW Coast. Read the rest…

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