Muddymoles mountain biking in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley


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Spot Brand Rocker 27.5+ hardtail

Spot Brand Rocker 27.5+ bike looks great

Semi-fat bikes are the perfect best-of-both-worlds option for fun hardtails at the moment and the Spot Brand Rocker is a great example Read the rest…

SRAM GX Type 2.1 rear derailleur

New SRAM GX derailleur – and it’s not even Christmas yet!

Anyone who’s been reading my ride reports recently will know I’ve been complaining of back pain. This may, or may not be exacerbated by riding singlespeed for the past few weeks. I don’t think it is, but it may be.

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Marin Pine Mountain 1 sounds rather interesting

The Marin 2016 Pine Mountain 1 looks a great entry into semi-fat hardtail riding Read the rest…

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The Five Mile project – a quick update

An update on Matt’s Five mile a Day project, an attempt to set a habit when the weather outside is frightful Read the rest…

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As a cyclist – or a certain type of cyclist anyway – I like to keep track of my riding stats Read the rest…

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Habits – the 5 mile project

Matt suggests a short regular dose of effort over the next few weeks. Just don’t call it a commitment! Read the rest…

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Maybe it’s a bad idea to stick stuff on your crash helmet?

Does putting stuff like camera and light mounts on your crash helmet put you at risk of greater injury? Read the rest…

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The only way is Vole

Just before Christmas, Dave posted to our Facebook page that there was a rumour we were thinking of changing our name from the MuddyMoles to the Water Voles in light of the Great Flood of 2013. That might not be a bad idea… Read the rest…

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10K a Day: Hitting the buffers

OK, I guess I should ‘fess up. My stated aim of riding at least 10K every day of December has been derailled Read the rest…

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Christmas is coming but I’m trying not to get fat!

This weekend saw the gun firing on the Christmas season. Earlier than usual, I’ve seen FB friends posting pictures of their newly decorated homes, all taking advantage of the first of December falling on a weekend. We even have the tree up at our place after our kids declared it Christmas now the advent calendars are in play!

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An Electric Mountain Bike?

Those of you who frequent our forum might be aware that Yvette has managed to get a number of us this weekend (November 17th) to meet up and try out one of the latest trends in mountain biking. Electric bikes. Yep, that’s right, e-bikes.

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Muddymoles go mobile

Anyone who’s run a website knows the creative juices ebb and flow over time and I’m no exception. Read the rest…

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