Bike fitting shock
Like many road cyclists I know, down to the half cm, my bike fitting measurements. Hence it came to me as a shock when I had to benchmark my MTB fitting against my road bike measurements this week.
Hidden fence on Bat out o’… Sh@t!!!
Danny finds a poorly marked fence across the bridleway near Brockham and is lucky to escape serious injury Read the rest…
Hydraulic disc brakes – the future for road bikes?
A summary of the arguments for and against hydraulic disc brakes on road bikes Read the rest…
London Bike Show 2012
A review of the 2012 London Bike Show at the ExCel exhibition centre in London’s Docklands – fat bikes, carbon bikes and electric shifting Read the rest…
Danny ‘Ponch’ and his golden helmet
Comparisons of Urge Endur-o-matic pot-styled crash helmet with the California Highway Patrol Read the rest…
31 in 31 = 505 (or 505 miles in 31 days and 31 rides)
Matt manages to ride 505 miles in the 31 days of December with at least one ride each day – 31 in 31 = 500! Read the rest…
Would you ride this?
I think if it were me I’d like to know there was an outside chance I’d be able to recover my bike if it all went wrong! Which in my case could happen. So knowing how deep the river is would be my first question. Looks great fun though doesn’t it? Source: Bikerumor Pic Of The Day
31 in 31 – the story so far
What’s it like to ride every day of December in the UK? Not as easy as you’d think… Read the rest…
Funny Parody Film – I think I’ve met this guy….
This made me laugh a lot!
Happy Holidays – A one and two and three!!
The Muddymoles in all their seasonal, animated glory. Happy Holidays! Read the rest…
Cycle fashion is looking elf-y
Make a statement! Wear an Elf cycling jersey fro ProBikeKit (PBK) – just in time for Christmas Read the rest…
Islabikes Beinn 29er – worth looking twice?
Islabikes make kids bikes but also build the Beinn 29er, an adult sized hybrid bike which might just have some decent off-road ability. Read the rest…