Muddymoles mountain biking in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley


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Last week’s night ride was a less relentless pace to the previous week. With the gears on my Inbred continuing to play up, preventing me selecting the granny ring, I started to toy with an idea I alluded to in my 11 things for Mountain Bikers post.

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Bouncing bike lights

I appear to suffer much misfortune when it comes to bike lights, particularly my rear light.

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I made my bike meow

Last night’s mid week night ride took us over toward Ranmore and the White Downs at a furious pace.

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Down to earth with a bump

As I am the only Mole who didn’t get a name check in Matt’s post about our outing to Holmbury Hill, (probably due to the fact I made it the whole way round without falling off or breaking my Mountain Bike), I thought I might post a few words about last night’s ride.

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One bike and two men down!

Sunday saw us travelling over to Holmbury Hill for some fun on the dusty dry trails that have suddenly appeared everywhere. The plan was to make the most of Dave and Jem’s new Orange Fives and have a morning of Mountain Biking fun in the Surrey Hills singletrack.

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Surrey Hills riding conditions

My commute into work takes me along the A24 to Dorking, past Box Hill and the Denbies vinyard and escarpment. Driving in this morning, the weather is warm and dry, the hawthorn hedges are just about to burst into life, the sun is shining and the sky is blue. Perfect conditions in fact to put some zest back into tired … Read the rest…

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The changing face of riding

After an extended break I made it out onto the trails at the weekend in the company of Dave, Jem and Neil.

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Night riding

So the nights have started to draw in again, not immediately obvious perhaps given that’s it’s only mid August, until you try to get out on the bike in the evenings. Starting at 7:30 it doesn’t take more than an hour before there’s an obvious need for lights out on the trails.

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Good times

So I’m back in the saddle. Not literally as I type* although that would be a clever trick, but metaphorically, as a way of saying I’m back riding the trails again and more importantly, enjoying it.

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Leith Hill

A story about how much I hate Wolverns Lane, cycling with teenagers who have too much energy, helmet camera trials, meeting friends not seen for a long time and massive energy crashes! A tale of everyday riding you might say!

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In the shit

I had a number of titles that came to mind while riding home.

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At last, ‘real’ winter riding

After the nasty shock of the alarm I ambled into the kitched to hear the sounds of rain on the roof. Real winter riding is back!