Velos, et Cake
Yes, I know that is probably terrible French. In fact I’m such a poor linguist that I can’t even tell if that’s poor French. What it is though is a very contrived way of introducing a nod to a website very much close to my own (and other Moles’) heart.
Velocake. Now, right from the start we’ve featured cake and rest stop reviews on the Muddymoles but this just takes the whole cake ‘n’ bikes culture that bit further. Despite being based in Cornwall where I’d be majoring on the pasties personally, Velocake are far more ambitious, positioning themselves as a bicycle and baked goods militia.
I wish them all the best and couldn’t help giving the hat tip to them, even if for now there’s no meat or jerky on the horizon. It’s also made me realise we need to write more cake-related nonsense. Hey, if there’s a demand out there after all…!
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