Muddymoles mountain biking in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley

Brant at Shedfire appears to have been busy

Posted by DaveC | March 10, 2009 | 11 comments so far

Shedfire Ragley Lynskey Ti frame
Funny thing is that the name Shedfire straight away makes me think of Chinese LED torches. Ultrafire, Sacredfire, Starfire, UniqueFire, Trustfire and I could go on (check out DealExtreme) but I also read the On-One website enough to know it’s Brant having one of his little laughs.

Then again as reported here Brant isn’t with On-One anymore, he’s on his own and he is Shedfire. Current projects seem to indicate he’s still best buddies with Mr Lynskey as he’s got some mega expensive Ti bars on the go as well as looking as though he may be an early adopter of the internal G-boxx style. Matt says I’m not allowed to go anywhere near the bars, I think a fully Mary equipped fleet is too much for him!

Perhaps one of the most exciting developments is the Ragley Ti, shown above. Is it me or is it a development of the Inbred 456? Actually I hope it is, should be a great bike if it is and I look forward to a less exotic steel version. If it’s not DN6 then it’ll be whatever postcode the Shed is currently based in!

So interesting times ahead. I wonder if On-One will actually fade away and Planet-X will become the dominant Twin banishing the baggie clad riders in favour of the figure hugging, lycra brigade. There’s a massive 500 line clearance sale starting 13/3/09 at On-One so maybe things will become clearer after that. Time will tell but I know I’m watching the Shedfire site with ever building enthusiasm!

Filed under 2009, News in March 2009


About the author

Dave's been riding seriously since about 1997 and is one of the founding Molefathers — along with Matt and Mark — that came up with the idea of a MTB website for Mole Valley riders.

He's had several different bikes but it's now mainly 29ers in Dave's stable, apart from an Orange 5.

Current Bikes: Orange 5, Salsa Spearfish and Kona Big Unit

There are 11 comments on ‘Brant at Shedfire appears to have been busy’

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  1. Tony says:

    Is it me or do those titanium bars look like an oversized set of BMX bars clamped across the central brace and with the bottom clamping section cut-off? I’m not sure about putting a weld in a bar, surely—I’m no engineer—but they should be weaker?

  2. Matt says:

    There’s no other way of saying it but those bars are minging. Really, really nasty even though I like the idea of Ti handlebars. They look like they’re made from offcuts.

    As for the frame, mmmm does indeed look like a pimped 456 in basic philosophy. I like the seatstay/seat tube junction.

    It’s Brant doing what’s worked for him before though isn’t it? Ti frame (Tinbred, check), no-nonsense hardtail (Inbred 456, check) and weirdo handlebars (Mary, Mungo and Midge, check).

    Things change, things stay the same?

  3. brant says:

    Google blog search RSS feeds are great – I don’t just go trawling…

    Hi guys and thanks for paying some interest in what I’m doing.

    You’re kind of right about the “evolution” thing, it’s a move on from the Summer Season really, which we’ve been having lots of fun on for the last year. Lynskey are lovely, and I like working with them, so they were obvious for the pimpy version.

    Forgot that I need to work on tubing decals too. How about “Kiss my butt” (sorry – that’s not aimed at you here!)

  4. Dave says:

    Hi Brant,

    Thanks for posting the comment.

    Jem really rates the Summer Season so this should be really good and I think I read it’s OK up to 140 so maybe I’d swap my New Blue 456 (one that got swapped for some 29er RST forks….) for a steel Ragley and fit my Pikes.

    Looking forward to seeing the name but I kinda like Shedfire which as I’ve already alluded to would be great for some LED lights as well!!

    “Kiss My Arse” is crying out for a saddle surely? Nut Splitter or Nut Cracker is more like a frame name surely?

  5. Dominic says:


    Welding Titanium is normaly stronger than the material around it.

    Industrial adhesives are also now stronger than the metals they bond… another option for the handlebars.


  6. Matt says:

    I just had a count up and collectively I make it we have nine Inbreds in various flavours currently on the go – that’s my classic white one, Jez’s Tinbred, Jem’s Summer Season, Mark, Tony and Colin on 456s, Dave’s 456, 29er and Cathie’s classic white bike. And that doesn’t take into account Dave’s multiple past ownership of a classic white and a pale blue 456.

    Does that make us groupies?! It certainly means that we take an interest on what comes next, as many others will be doing. And it means we’re ‘value’ oriented!

    Bizarrely none of our On-one ownership was particularly intentional, we’ve just gravitated toward the brand because those flavours work for us – they’re all quite different bikes really. And quite a few of us have never dealt directly with On-one, getting them through Dave for various reasons. Weird.

    That aside, I like to think Brant’s comment is referring to butted tubing and on this evidence maybe it’s best to leave him to come up with the names :o)

  7. Dave says:


    Just to be a little pedantic Tony and Colin have 26″ Slot drop-outs, not 456s. Also Simon has a white classic as well not to mention Rob’s 29er.

    However, all really great frames!

  8. Matt says:

    Just to be a little pedantic…

    What happens when you split hairs? You end up with a lot of bits of hair!!

    I judged that in an effort at conciseness, ’26” Slot drop-out’ wasn’t necessary to the point I was making. Besides, they’re all red and I’d forgotten!

  9. Toby says:

    Seeing as we’re on the subject…I have a slidey drop out Inbred and before that had a geared one. The slidey was 1st used as a SS commuter, is now set up for offroad and will soon become a touring bike with rack – so versatile!

  10. Muddymoles says:

    Shedfire Ragley meets the media

    Shedfire’s Ragley sees some real world testing but we’re guessing we’ll have to wait for the verdict. And is that a logo on the horizon?

  11. Related: Shedfire Ragley meets the media | News, 2009 | Muddymoles: Mountain biking (MTB) in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley

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