The Muddymoles flapjack
Originally published by Dave in August 2003, here’s a recipe for the ultimate in trail food.
Leith Tower
Top home made cake type of outfit this one. Last time I was there I sampled the ginger cake. Now ginger cake is one of my favourite cakes but it can be done so many ways.
A little piece of Heaven
After a ride of pretty much any description I’m always up for a piece of cake and a tea or hot chocolate. The National Trust kiosk at the top of Box Hill is a little piece of heaven when it comes to the cake!
Kellogg’s Elevenses review
Hunger pangs and sugar dips are the inevitable result of extended periods of hard exercise, something we’ve found out the hard way on numerous occasions. It has to be said that there are some Muddymoles who also manage to experience these effects without the need for any kind of exercise but that’s just called gluttony.
Variation on a theme
While Mark was busy dating his cake I was making a small discovery myself.
Rykas Cafe
This is a cross between McDonalds and the motorway cafe (do they still exist or are the a figment of old BBC comedy?).
Newlands corner
My view of our refueling stop for the longer Mole rides!
Box Hill
A place to refuel during a ride around the local hills.