Night rides, Night lights
Almost without us noticing, the nights are starting to get longer and with it, the need for night lights for the bike.
Are you fit?
We all think we are doing enough exercise because we get out on the bike every so often. But are we?
Of shoe leather, rain clouds and split pins
Mark goes looking for split pins for his Magura Julie brakes to general puzzlement but ends up bagging a bargain.
Mountain Bikes – What we are riding
A quick round up of the Mountain Bikes that have found favour with us recently. A broad and eclectic bunch, especially if you like bikes from the Calderdale Valley.
A glimpse into the future?
The future’s bright but maybe a bit heavy. And doesn’t include derailleurs from what Matt can make out from looking at gearbox bikes.
Three things I can’t do
Matt finds himself wanting – some people can do things on a bike that just doesn’t seem proper!
Upgrading to hydraulic disc brakes
When it comes to buying your first disc brake package there’s a lot to know. Matt outlines the advatanges of hydraulic disc brakes and offers three budget options to investigate.
It’s good to be alive, when you’re riding on your Five
Mark takes Dave’s Orange Five out for a spin in the Surrey Hills and revels in a bike with real MTB capability.
Muddymoles redesign 2007
We’ve refreshed our website, that to Matt for all his hard work. Hope you like it.
5 reasons why I hate Mountain Biking. Mark’s opinion
Mark responds to Matt’s list of things he hates about Mountain Biking. Are we turning into a bunch of Grumpy Old Men…?
Five reasons I hate Mountain Biking
Matt responds to the Bike Snob and eventually comes up with five reasons he hates Mountain Biking (well, so he says…)
Mountain Bike fitness training
It seems every Mountain Biker has worries about his fitness at some point. Just a quick trawl across other Mountain Bike blogs and websites will throw up a selection of articles that touch on the subject of Mountain Biking fitness in various forms – how do I get fit, I didn’t/did feel fit on today’s ride and so on.