19 Oct 2003 – North Downs
Starting from Ranmore, we manage nineteen miles and take in Abba Zabba, Blind Terror I and II, Wolverns Lane, Wave of Mutilation, White Jam and a small bit of Summer Lightning (the rest was closed). In short, a whistle stop tour of some of the best bits on the North Downs. View the 19 Oct 2003 photoset on Flickr.
12 Oct 2003 – Leith Hill
The moles welcome two new riders, Seb from Cycleworks and Brian, our first transatlantic visitor from Wisconsin. See how they all get on at Leith Hill with a Whyte 46 demo bike. View the 12 Oct 2003 photoset on Flickr.
5 Oct 2003 – Newlands Corner
The moles manage 25 miles to Newlands Corner, taking in Abba Zabba and Blind Terror II which lived up to its name. View the 5 Oct 2003 photoset on Flickr.
28 Sept 2003 – Leith Hill
Dave, Matt, Thomas, Mark, Simon and Steve are back at Leith Hill, hooning around on Summer Lightning, Redlands and the bomb holes near the tower. View the 28 Sept 2003 photoset on Flickr.
7 Sept 2003 – Solo outing
Matt heads off into the weekend wilderness solo since everyone else was occupied elsewhere. View the 7 Sept 2003 photoset on Flickr.
3 Sept 2003 – Matt’s commute
I’m quite pleased with these photos as I just snapped them as quickly as possible on my ride to work (Bookham to Reigate). The camera was an old 2 meg pixel one borrowed from Dave. View the 3 Sept 2003 photoset on Flickr.
31 Aug 2003 – Ranmore ride
Our first attempt at ride photography using a pretty basic camera, details of which now escape me. View the 31 Aug 2003 photoset on Flickr.
Cycling ennui
After spending a lot of time building this blog in the early part of this year, I haven’t been out on my bike now for the best part of three months. Why the hiatus you might wonder?
I’m not much of a runner
I’ve always preferred bikes really, although I did go through a brief spell of running a bit more years ago than I want to think about…
A new Mole!
A warm welcome to Jem who has joined the local cycling crowd and splashed out on a Marin Wolf Ridge.
The law according to Sod…
…and how good can come of it.
Trigger’s broom
Sunday saw me finally clock up 3000 miles on my Rift Zone which I bought in January 2003. Inevitably it’s a significantly different bike to the shiny beast I bought from Cycleworks in Leatherhead.