Venturing beyond the Surrey Hills
This year, for the first time, we’re starting to look at riding beyond the confines of the Surrey Hills.
Why I haven’t been mountain biking lately
Or blogging about it either. Ahh, the inevitable barren spell of the amateur blogger! There’s been an interuption to normal service this past couple of weeks over Easter due to two things, both of which having conspired to stop me getting out riding the local trails. First off, I was struck down by a nasty virus which kept me out … Read the rest…
2007 Intense 5.5 EVP photos
Matt posts some great photos of the Intense 5.5 EVP which he recently tested.
So is this fun?
On the radio at the moment are a series of ads running for Thorpe Park. The theme of all the ads is that going to Thorpe Park is the very definition of fun, and everything else isn’t. In one of the ads is the question “is cycling fun”, to which the ad gives the answer “no, it’s just exercise.”
Intense 5.5 EVP 2007 ride booked
As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m looking for a new bike and took the opportunity of the Cycleworks Demo Day to try out a few contenders.
Bike passenger
I didn’t get out on the trails this weekend. Since it was Mother’s Day I decided to spend my Sunday with my wife and family instead, a noble act of selfless charity. Well, that’s what I told my wife anyway.
The image of bike riding
It’s an old rant among many in the bike world that motorists have it in for them on the public roads and that ramblers have a similar antipathy toward Mountain Bikers. To counteract the negative vibe, many bikers advocate a ‘be polite and set an example’ approach when they’re out on the trails.
World Naked Bike Ride Day in Brighton
Justin Evans of Home In Brighton just happened to be in the right place, at the right time and with his camera ready when a group of riders supporting the World Naked Bike Ride Day passed him in Brighton. Visit the Home In Brighton website to see the resulting photos of the WNBR Day.
A Mountain Biking blog with a difference
I was having a read of some Mountain Biking blogs Wednesday evening and came across this amusing piece of writing from Al Leigh. It’s a rare event when you can find someone bemoaning their current riding injury before cutting (almost) seamlessly to an explanation on why cows look so po-faced. And yes, cutting is probably the right word.
How much does mountain biking cost you?
The other day an article popped up in my newsfeed outlining the true cost of a latte every morning on the way to work. Now, first of all, this article was in $ but it does go to show the stupefying effects of compound interest over the course of 25 years in a very effective way. It got me thinking … Read the rest…
Cycleworks Demo Day 2007 photos
Today the Muddymoles made the trip over to Holmbury Hill for the annual Cycleworks Demo Day and were rewarded by a splendid Spring morning’s worth of riding fun.
Well, I’ve finally achieved a milestone. In fact, 3500 milestones as I’ve just racked up that figure on my 2003 Rift Zone.