Muddymoles mountain biking in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley


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Miles and miles

Matt’s obsessed with his stats. Me, I like to ride.

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Freaks and Weirdos

So it seems that cyclists are revolting… well this one revolted anyhow.

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It’s all in the presentation

OK, so we’re way off-topic here but I thought I’d just mention a little exercise I did the other day to make a document I found on the web much more readable.

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A year’s mileage

So, just over a year ago I posted about my mileage at the start of the year with a view to seeing how many miles I was going to do through 2006.

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Another tale of manliness

In Lerwick, Archie MacDuff stood looking out of his kitchen window. He watched the waves crash over the harbour wall, while the fine snow built up gently against the window pane.

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Kofi Annan

At a press conference today in New York, Kofi Annan, the UN Secretary General, has welcomed shock news from Fetcham in Surrey.

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Aches – or it seemed like a good idea at the time

Over the last 8 weeks I have managed to get out on my bike about twice. For various reasons, my routine has been very disrupted, so in total I have not actually ridden more than about 15 miles.

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A tale of manliness

In Lerwick, Archie MacDuff stood looking out of his kitchen window. The rain lashed hard against the glass, driven by the force 4 gale that was blowing. It looked like a nice day for fishing.

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According to the Oxford English Dictionary gaiters are: –

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Bone idle

This weekend I will mostly be not getting out of bed, cos I was a lazy git.

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In Lerwick Archie MacDuff stood looking out of his kitchen window. The horizon was empty, only the grey clouds moving past proved that he was not looking at a painting.

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A further manly tale

In Lerwick, Archie MacDuff stood looking out of his kitchen window. He watched the huge seas crash against the hard beach, while the fierce wind blew the few trees over at right angles. It looked a fine day.