It’s Mayhem!! Well, the Apocalypse might be more apt…
This weekend, tomorrow morning at 5:30am in fact, we set off for the 2012 Mountain Mayhem event at Ledbury. The notion of racing has already gone out of my mind after checking the dire weather reports for the weekend.
DaveC, BigAl and Kev are already there, having staked a spot for us, and if their reports are accurate I’m packing an aqualung and a snorkel. Apparently at least one tent leaks like a sieve.
Why do we do it?? Having got dead lucky on our first visit to Thetford in 2009, the following year is now notorious in D2D legend for the miserable weather visited on all the poor souls attempting to race round the Thetford Forest, us included. Last year we sent an advance party to Mayhem who came back reporting things were MUCH better than D2D as the weather was nicer (it’s high summer after all) and the short nights make the time fly.
So this year, turning up en masse with three teams of four, plus with our friend Amanda riding solo what happens? Judging by the most conservative predictions, it looks like relentless rain, particularly during the small hours of Sunday morning. Which means it’s a big mud* sandwich from which we’ll all have to take a bite.
So my plan is not to fight the course but to just keep rolling, something many broken riders failed to do at D2D 2010. Keep moving, pick careful lines and try to avoid contracting Trench Foot.
I’ll let you know…
* Get me. I paraphrased!
There are 6 comments on ‘It’s Mayhem!! Well, the Apocalypse might be more apt…’
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LordOnOne says:
Good luck to all of you! Photos currently circulating make conditions look delightful.
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Posted on June 22, 2012 at 10:30 pm
StevenD says:
I imagine it is also bowing a gale. I am impressed but also think you are all crazy. I wish you all the best.and hope everything turns out better than you thought. At least you have good company to keep your spirits up.
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Posted on June 23, 2012 at 7:19 am
Gordon says:
Just seen a forecast for Ledbury which looks a bit rainy all weekend, but not really rainy. I know you’ll have a brilliant time and I wish you well.
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Posted on June 23, 2012 at 7:43 am
Karl says:
Very Muddy Moles
Wishing you all a right old laugh…
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Posted on June 23, 2012 at 8:10 am
John R says:
Hope you enjoy it despite the weather. Perhaps Thetford is worth a visit next year, it’s relatively dry our east?
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Posted on June 23, 2012 at 2:05 pm
Dandy says:
I think my plan to head for the Alps is the sane option. Good luck, you Mad Moles 😉
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Posted on June 24, 2012 at 10:07 am