Time to roll
Little did I know at the start of the year how long my ‘unwellness’ (if that’s a word) would continue through January.
First a virus before Christrmas curtailed riding, then the flu and subsequently another virus has left me feeling completely washed out with more time off-work spent staring at walls. Too much effort to do anything else. Thinking back I wasn’t feeling too great at the start of December either so that’s the best part of two months where I really have ended up talking more about bikes than riding them.
Things are starting to look up though. Yesterday as I entered our house (which we haven’t been in a full year yet) I noticed hyacinths pushing through the soil which the previous owner planted. And this morning there was light outside the bathroom window, not much but definitely a sign of things to come.
This week, I’m feeling pretty good. Not fit as such but more healthy at least. Through January I’ve avoided alcohol too, more by circumstance than design although I always like to have a hiatus at this time of year. Without getting the chance to set any New Year resolutions I’m already behind in my riding schedule for the year but this week sees a change. I’ll be out for a night ride during the week and am planning a ride at the weekend too, and I can’t wait.
There are 3 comments on ‘Time to roll’
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Colin says:
Well Matt, you finally popped your 2008 MTB cherry last night and what a find ride it was.
Noticeable that you were still no slouch despite your long lay-off.
See y’all on Sunday, 8:30 Bocketts Farm
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Posted on January 25, 2008 at 1:20 pm
Muddymoles says:
Reflections on light
The sky is getting brighter and lighter as late January sun gets Matt thinking about the summer in the Surrey Hills
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Posted on January 28, 2009 at 1:21 pm
Related: Reflections on light | Mutterings, Lifestyle | Muddymoles: Mountain biking (MTB) in the Surrey Hills and Mole Valley